Retail Electronic Visions (ReV) is an Azure cloud-based platform developer of Member MATCH Communities
Precision Targeting
Precision Targeting tm is the method used to “Boost” a Members “Find and be Found” by enabling Members to self-post their Match Preferences (HAVES & WANTS). This enables our proprietary Match Engine to deliver Candidates from Segmented Communities that are prioritized by Point Score to each member’s Dashboard. The Dashboard enables the Member to “work” their delivered Match Candidates.

Provides the Nex-Gen of Connected Ecosystem
Match is the New Search "Boost"
Retail Electronic Visions recognizes that today... Social Media and most communities utilize SEARCH to connect you to millions - even billions of members.
They recognize this is "Boiling the Ocean" and provide Paid Advertising to "Boost" your "be found" with the masses.
Then, they deliver the Paid Advertisers first in the SEARCH Candidate Set - leaving the rest of us in back pages that are rarely read.
The question... is there a better more efficient, safer, targeted approach to "Boosting" your "find and be found?"
Match Tutorial Video (click here)
Your personal MATCH Geni
ReV Machine Matching represents a NEW generation of Internet innovation where members control who they want to TARGET and who they want to FIREWALL and not let in. Where members control what they WANT and define how much, or how little, to SHARE with people they don't know. Where members have new "TOOLS" to manage new engagements online and share "finds" with colleagues. Are YOU ready for this next chapter in member-to-member collaboration?
Don't BOIL the Ocean...
Key is ONE Profile for you with multiple Sub-Profiles that recognizes you wear multiple hats, have multiple businesses, ideas, innovations - each with their own NEEDS or HAVES to buy, sell or share.

Facebook's goal was to give you a VOICE to the World. Ours is to give you more than just a Voice, but also allow you to Segment your World into Ecosystems to better TARGET your candidates.
The Web 3.0 Ecosystem CONNECT
The GOAL within a specific Ecosystem is connecting individuals, businesses, corporations, organizations, clubs, groups, chambers and more.
However, every ecosystem is unique. This is why we tailor each of our Match Communities to enable you to Precision Target your Finds in one or multiple MATCH communities, and in some cases, to the outside www "World".
In addition to the "Private" Member-Only Match Ecosystem, we add fully integrated "Public" Venues, called Powered-by Venues, that are unique and drive Member to the Match Ecosystem. Examples are eCar Show Registry for Virtual Garage or Capital Expo for Brite Idea Labs.
And, most importantly, all of this is from ONE user Sign-In enabling you to manage and protect your electronic Identity
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Unique MATCH Features
ReV tailors each MAAS platform for the vertical member community using a set of APPs and modules created within the framework architecture of the platform.
3 Member Profiles
Good-bye to ONE size profile communities. Brite Idea Lab features 3 profiles tailored to individuals, corporations/organizations and sellers.
Unlimited Sub-Profiles
You have ONE Profile, but unlimited Sub-Profiles defining your Businesses, Ideas, Investments, Collections, and more that you tailor - each with their own MATCH Criteria
Match Concierge
Now you have your own Match Genie who is always "at your fingertips" to TARGET your finds, or protect you from others, based on what you really WANT.
My Match Backoffice
If MATCH takes SEARCH to the next level, then we need a Backoffice to manage the newly generated candidates targeted by your Match Consigners
e-Biz Card
Now that you have been Machine Matched to others, the goal is to invest one click to electronically engage with you, or your designated point-of-contact.
Follow Me
Now that we have Matched and I have really checked you out, lets stay in touch on an ongoing machine email notification basis. What's NEW with you?
If you are a SELLER of products and/or services - then let's feature your best four (4) and link directly to your sell page, or promotion collateral.
Crowd Cheering
YES, they love me...just look at my FOLLOWS, or more importantly, my crowd-cheering 5 star reviews and written comments. The tribe has spoken!
Platform Turnkey Services
The new generation of MATCH recognizes that customizing the member community platform is a vital part of creating a "birds-of-feather" digital network community. Therefore, ReV provides the expertise to tailor each platform to create the optimum Match experience for each platform owner. Platform owners choose options and ReV generates, tests and hosts the system on the Azure cloud. In addition ReV provides ongoing monthly support for end user issues, as well as provide new product and custom features as specified on behalf of the platform licensee.
White Label Configuration
Each cloud-based Match Platform is tailored (white label) for a designated vertical MATCH community ecosystems
Private Branded Communities
Branded Communities For Corporations who have large customer databases and want to Add Value and Retain Customers
+ Powered-by Venues
Plus to drive Adoption, Powered-by Venues are customized and added to Vertical MATCH communities and Private Branded Corporate Customer Communities