Veterans Match Market

Veterans Match Market    i-Serve

Veterans Match Market (VMM).     I-Serve is a Social Media MATCH community connecting the Veteran ecosystem.

The GOAL of the Veterans Match Market is to connect 1) Veterans with other Veterans, 2) to companies offering discounts to Vets, 3) to companies with Jobs for Vets and 4) charity and government resources for Vets.

The proprietary Match Engine connects a member’s WANT with a member’s HAVE criteria to generate a match candidate set 24/7,  plus provide a web-based back office to store Matches and share with other Veteran’s,  colleagues or business entities.

Match enables veterans to create a profile listing their WANTS and NEEDS  to be automatically matched with other veterans, organizations, corporations, angels, funds and service providers who also post their match criteria (HAVE to Sell or Share).

The second exclusive feature is veterans also create unlimited Sub-Profiles listing the Units they served in, as well as their civilian business careers, jobs, books, sports, or new ventures.    Each sub-profile also has a Match Criteria listing their unique WANTS and HAVES. This enables Veterans to post and match with others in units they served during their tour of duty, civilian positions, inventions, plus eSports, athletics and more.

Match Criteria for Profiles and Sub-Profiles enable the veteran to target Where, Who and What they want to match with.  WHAT includes Keywords, #Hashtags, Wants, Haves, Job Openings, Jobs Wanted, plus Categories.  Exclusively, with “one” click, they can Match in-Network or Out-of-Network to the deep Web or Ad-Match targeting the latest ads with special offers/discounts.

The Veterans Match Market Platform provides a Back Office for MATCH and SEARCH that enables veterans to file “finds” in folders, trash, and share with colleagues, email or Follow.

Partnering Programs accelerate i-Serve adoption.  Powered by i-Serve provides Veteran Organizations with a full Member Database Match Architecture to include Social Media, Follows, Communities, Groups and Team features.  Large Corporations can Mass download their Veterans or use Opt-In Porting.    This means Vets don’t have to re-enter information and scripts capture the additional information to complete their Match Criteria.  Scripts also help our Strategic Partners capture NEW members from the Veterans Match Market database.

Companion integrated Veteran Venues, Powered by i-Serve,  include Honoring our Hero’s servers as a Hall of Fame for deceased Veterans (All Wars), plus Event Registry – the latest in self-posting veteran events enables Veteran to follow physical and virtual events.

The Veterans Match Market is sponsored by the 35 year old Ritz Group non-profit,   i-Serve is a white-label clone from Retail Electronic Visions, a Microsoft Azure Developer of SaaS Match Platforms for Business.   Today, Brite Idea Lab for Entrepreneurs and Virtual Garage for car collectors are in Production.  The next step is to on-board ICON Strategic Partners within the veteran community to launch the Veterans Match Market - called i-Serve.


For More Information on joining the i-SEARVE team (contact us)
